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Mommy confessions

I interviewed over a dozen moms about their secret feelings about motherhood for a column in North Valley Magazine. Their responses weren't all cuddles and kisses.

I hide candy bars in the bathroom. Sometimes I just need to get away from the kids, lock myself in the bathroom and binge on chocolate. ~ Julia B.

I chose not to give up my career (and the income). I spend more time at the office than at home. Some days, I feel like I don’t even know my kids. ~ Alyssa G.

I dread reading books to my kids at bedtime. I am so exhausted by the end of the day, I’d rather just plop them down in front of the TV. ~ Christine S.

My toddler throws the biggest fit over brushing his teeth. Sometimes I just give in. They are going to fall out eventually, right?! ~Brandy B.

I am envious of the moms at preschool who drop their kid off and go to work. They look so put together with nice clothes, hair and makeup. I look down at my outfit, covered in spit up and other unidentifiable fluids and can’t remember the last time I shaved my legs. ~ Kelly R.

I swore I would never buy my kids an Xbox….then summer came and I gave in. I did it for my own sanity. It keeps the kids AND my husband out of my hair. ~Kay C.

I love the feeling I get when I finally drop my last child off to school in the morning. Even if it’s only a twenty-minute drive to work, it’s the only time I get to feel free during the entire day. ~ Stacey E.

I blamed the babysitter for eating all the ice cream, when in actuality I ate the whole pint. ~ Heather M.

I can’t believe I went to college and now I am home playing Go Fish for the gazillionth time. I feel like I have put my goals on the back burner. ~ Trish C.

Does the pool count as showering? ~ Mia L.

When I was first potty training my son, we were out shopping (as us moms like to do) and my son desperately had to go pee while I was in the fitting room. The closest bathroom was half a block away so I had him pee into a shopping bag, tied it up and later threw it away. ~ Samantha R.

I got fed up wasting my time and money trying to get my kids to eat healthy. I’m tired of arguing with my boys. I buy a huge bag of chicken nuggets at the grocery store and that’s what they eat. ~ Marissa G.

I lied to my husband about being sick so that he would have to take care of the baby all day. ~ Taryn S.

I check my kids into the childcare at the gym while I sit in the café and catch up on Facebook. I haven’t worked out since my second baby was born. ~Sarah W.

I wanted to be like the other moms in my moms group who made all their own baby food. I hate cooking and am not very good at it. For play dates, I would scoop store bought baby food into containers and say I made it. ~Christine M.

Motherhood can be so many things. Motherhood is messy. Motherhood is loud. Motherhood is amazing! Every day is so completely different; somedays are awesome and other days are, well let's just say not-so-awesome. So hang in there and try not to take yourself too seriously.

For more about my motherhood journey click here

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